Hello, I am Jailbreak_987. I'm interested in coding and development especially for old iOS devices.
On this repo, you will find some of my iOS projects. To add it to cydia, add http://jelbrek897.github.io/cydia as a repo in the sources tab.
SignalBars11 is a Winterboard theme for iOS devices running versions 7-9 which adds in the iOS 11+ signal bars. I have only tested it on iOS 7, so if you have issues on iOS 8 and 9 using the tweak, please message me on Reddit (my username is Jailbreak_987) and I will look into it.
Once you've installed SignalBars11 from my Cydia repo, go into Winterboard settings and enable the theme, then respring when prompted.
Calculator11 is a theme for the calculator on iOS versions 4-6 which attempts to replicate the iOS 11+ look and feel in the calculator app. It also adds in the iOS 11+ calculator icon. If you're trying to theme your iOS to look like a recent version, this theme can be very helpful. It doesn't work on iOS 7+ currently.
Once you've installed Calculator11 from my Cydia repo, go into Winterboard settings and enable the theme, then respring when prompted.
Screenshots coming soon.